or I fear not giving justice to the sweat you all shared with me.
So, I left the field, then I became a yoga teacher, after that I moved to Brussels and now?
I sit in front of fragmented pages and when I write sentences, they feel and read incomplete. They feel and read shallow. They feel and read so far away from anything that I imagined writing during my PhD. And it sucks.
Tears became my new accessory. I bring them everywhere, well to be fair they invite themselves. Assembling silently into the corner of my eyes until their full bodies comfortably travel down my cheeks leaving myself and the people observing me uncomfortable. The tears are silent proof of some sort of suffering. I see compassion and concern reflected in their faces asking, how can we help her? And I feel fear and hopelessness in my gut asking, will it ever stop? They nod knowingly and with certainty say “yes it will”, “this too shall pass”, “maybe you need professional help”, “we will get there”, “I am here to help, read, whatever you need”, “have you tried …“, “writer’s blocks are common”.
And there are those two words, I never gave much attention to. They feel so far from me.
Me? A block in writing?
Impossible, I love writing.
Me? A fear of an empty page? No, my pages are not empty, they are just crappy.
Me? Not able to write academically?
It’s more that I lost my confidence.
There is some truth in the words of the people surrounding me with listening ears and benevolent words. It took me time to understand, but many tears later I finally got what they mean by writer’s block. I am blocked by the fear of the crappy page, the fear of the wrong words, the fear of the fragmented narrative, the fear of cryptic word assemblages, the fear of grammatically wrong English, the fear of non-aesthetic sentences, the fear of letting everyone down whose words I admire and whose knowledge I cherish and most importantly the fear of not giving justice to the sweat you all shared with me.
Possibly the biggest virtue in the gym is trying. The consistency of not giving up. The discipline of crafting. Present in the endless repetition of the same movements. Day after day after day.
My friends, my mentor in Switzerland, and my supervisor here in Belgium say, “you need to keep writing”, “writing is like a muscle that needs to be trained”, “you write, and rewrite until it becomes a chapter you like”. Hence, academic writing and training in the gym are not far from each other. The commonality is in the countless hours we repeat the same thing to come as close to perfection as possible. So, every time we re-do it, the voices of fear are a bit less loud. A bit less overwhelming. And at its best even joyful and cathartic.
I write and I cry in the search for meaning on the canvas of a page
although, empty comes with many rules and regulations.
I try so I cry
I want to speak struggling as the forms are not mine.
I cry because I try,
My tears are the sweat of trying to write.