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Diary of Sweat

Autorenbild: Solinda MorgilloSolinda Morgillo

Aktualisiert: 13. Sept. 2022

Welcome to my diary of sweat. An online database of droplets being my research.

this research shifts between physical spaces, it also does between disciplinary boundaries, which cannot be detached from their historical timelines. Thus, by surrendering to overlapping layers of stories, I dedicate myself to coming closer to the (racial) mess of the contemporary every day. I call this combination slowmess, which sometimes takes on a virtual form flowing alongside written words.

It is an attempt to give colour to the things that might remain colourless and soundless – the things that I dare not to describe but invite the reader to explore with its senses. Elements, humans, materials, and places of the martial arts gym that are not translatable into the confined number of words this thesis is made of but still hold importance for black methodologies in human geography. And I suggest even are crucial when exploring the together happening in such a space.


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